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  • Customer satisfaction.
  • Regulatory compliance.
  • Talent attraction.
  • Profitability.
  • Stakeholder value.
  • Talent productivity.
  • Large-scale strategic change.
  • New product/service development and delivery.

Mental Performance Hurdles:

Mental performance hurdles like: Imposter Syndrome, Imposter Phenomenon, Imposterism or The YIPS…is universal. It is the mental block impacting our sense of self and our performance in all aspects of our lives. More specifically, it is the feelings (regardless of gender, age, education, experience, etc.) that we have of ourselves that we are not as smart or talented or qualified as other people think we are. It also shines through when we are not living our most authentic life – masquerading in roles and lifestyles that are not faithful to our truest values.

The term and concept of “Impostor Phenomenon” (more commonly referred to as impostor syndrome) was first coined in 1978 by psychologists Suzanne Ime & Pauline Clance. It highlights a pattern of negating self-talk and self-belief of one’s skills, talents, and accomplishments while experiencing a persistent fear of being exposed as a fraud (despite evidence of success to the contrary). This continual self-doubt is a self-fulfilling prophecy whereby overwhelming anxiety and depression AND self-sabotage perpetuates the cycle and impacts our performance.

Because of it’s universal presence, regardless of the accomplishments and accolades we pile up, Impostor syndrome leads to self-sabotaging behaviors such as more entrenched perfectionism, chronic procrastination, underperformance and over working (leading to burnout). Imposter Syndrome comes at a high cost personally, professionally and economically. What’s more, it prevents individuals from realizing their authentic selves (i.e., their values, strengths, goals and truest desires).

So,…how does coaching help?

Coaching is an investment that pays dividends in both our short and long-term lives. What makes my coaching successful is the support I provide to help my clients get to where they want to go. I am a co-creator and an accountability piece – “scaffolding” that helps support you throughout the process while building your capacity to take ownership as you move through your vision, values, strengths and goals.

As an Imposter Syndrome coach, I don’t believe in the negative stories or fears that we all tell ourselves. This self-sabotage has no ability to get us to where we want to go. I help you breakdown the universal limitations of your negative self-talk and self-doubt (and by default self-sabotage) and guide you along a path of success that is defined by you!

Coaching is for all of us who want our dreams and desires more than we want to stay in “the status quo”!

Is your perfectionism and fear of failure interfering with your mental health?

Book a FREE appointment with me today!


Optimizing Performance (Leadership)

You may have heard of the YIPS, a term often linked to the world of sports. It’s that perplexing moment when an athlete, despite their years of training and skill, suddenly falters. A golfer’s steady swing turns erratic, or a baseball pitcher can’t seem to aim straight. It’s a mental performance block that transcends the physical. 

Now, let’s step outside the sports arena and consider the YIPS in the context of business leadership. 

You see, the YIPS isn’t exclusive to golf greens or baseball diamonds. It can infiltrate the minds of CEOs, Executive Directors, and Board Presidents – individuals responsible for steering organizations to success. Imagine a business leader who, despite their impressive track record, encounters a mental stumbling block. They question their decisions, doubt their abilities, and grapple with imposterism… 

That fear of being seen as a fraud!

The YIPS, whether in sports or the corporate world, shares a common thread with imposter syndrome – an internal battle between skill and self-doubt, competence, and uncertainty. These mental performance blocks can leave leaders feeling like they’ve lost their touch, even when their capabilities remain intact.

The YIPS in leadership trickles down to the rest of the talent within an organization, impacting overall leadership, workplace culture, and performances across the board.

Because our organizations and companies are run, designed, and supported by groups of people, optimizing an organization’s leadership should be of primary importance. I work with leaders and athletes at all levels to identify their underlying mental performance hurdles and work toward harnessing the impact and moving to optimized performance.

Optimizing Performance (Culture)

So often we view our workplace culture as a strategy plan to hammer out, memorizing buzz words and talking points, placing in a binder or on a board room wall, and revisiting every 3-5 years…if even that. The truth is that culture exists inside the walls of your organization whether or not you choose to be proactive in defining and cultivating it. Left to its own devices, a workplace culture will form on its own. An ill crafted or ignored workplace culture will destroy a business through burnout, toxic interactions, turnover and the inability to recruit talent.

More importantly, our workplace culture is constantly changing through: the bringing in of talent, embarking on new programs or projects or products, shifting your target audience/customers/clients, etc. Culture work requires consistent revisiting and re-working to meet the needs of at all levels.

My framework emphasizes the continual adaptability, tinkering and tweaking around the edges, to not only meet the needs of the organization’s mission, vision and goals BUT the fundamental needs of the talent inside our businesses.

Without constant revisiting and reworking, organizations are treating workplace culture like a “to do” list item OR a project that needs to be developed and implemented without any further follow-up.

Need support crafting a positive and sustainable work culture?

Book a FREE appointment with me today!


DISC Behavioral Styles

DISC is one of the world’s most popular team building tools. The DISC assessment uncovers individuals’ behavioral style, known as the “how,” by analyzing natural and adapted behavioral factors. The most productive teams understand how each individual member likes to operate and how they prefer to be communicated to as well as what pushes their buttons. I offer In-person, half-day, full-day, and multi-day options.

12 Driving Forces®

The 12 Driving Forces is an assessment tool that measures what really drives us. It is built around six basic areas of motivation that people experience on any given day. It uncovers a person’s “why” by analyzing specific areas of drivers a person possesses. There are six primary drivers that determine the lens through which we view the world and shape our view of what ideas, experiences and people we will tend to favor or avoid. I offer In-person, half-day, full-day, and multi-day options.

Emotional Intelligence

Our Emotional Intelligence assessment (called EQ) is an assessment tool that can help you sense, understand and effectively apply the power of emotions to facilitate higher levels of collaboration and productivity by learning to recognize and manage emotions effectively. People with higher EQ awareness are better able to build strong relationships by revealing insights of emotional self and social regulation, navigate organizational change by bringing sense and understanding of emotions, empower leaders of today and discover leaders of tomorrow, and reduce team conflicts to improve productivity.  I offer In-person, half-day, full-day, and multi-day options.

“Other” Trainings & Workshops

Organizations and businesses have a variety of needs. When I do a “needs assessment” for an organization, often times I find other underlying issues that we can address through added workshops. Just like going to the dentist for a regular cleaning – the need to have one or more cavities filled may come to light. The same is true when looking at the myriad of variables that can impact a businesses’ dynamic such as their culture.

The following are some of the additional trainings and workshops I offer when needed:

Are you struggling with internal conflicts with your Team or Board of Directors?

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